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About me - Doctor John Chapman


I have always wanted to be a Children's Doctor.

I went to the Medical School at the University of Edinburgh in 1986 and graduated in 1991.

Following this, I trained to be a Paediatrician at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh and finished my training at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow (Yorkhill).

I took up a Paediatric Consultant post at the James Paget Hospital in Norfolk in 2000.

I run NHS clinics covering Allergy, Asthma, other breathing problems (including snoring) and General Paediatric problems.

I also run a Private Children's Health Clinic. click here

Look around my website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me. I hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to my website. There's much more to come

My Letters

MB ChB (Edin 1991) - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery ( Chirgery) - my Medical School Degree

MRCP - Member of the Royal College of Physicians. I passed my specialist Paediatric exams before the Paediatric College was set up.

FRCPCH - Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. This is the Paediatric College. You start as a Member and become a Fellow after about 10 years.

FHEA - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

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